Wednesday, July 28, 2010

From Bai

h bbbbbvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvbbbbbcccccxxxxzz bgyydggfhghighryh9fu9gufjtj fhvihijytykhojffjobjmcvnnbvnbgdfjxgixfijfgjhhfyfyfhgfgjjrfjrtuccccccccjnvvncvbbfhfhhfdrdfhhfffhffvn bbnbhbn nvjbjbbgvhgnn jgghgiiuuuuuuu7yvb887587rtgjtirghcvmfxkjkkkkjljj xkcdthfhdrdv fgdxjghfhbfghfci fjhfihvhjvihhhhjgu666668yu67ggx bbfvduturtyyhtfyr6yt7s ydydgughhdughfughfhuhgh8h8ikfihuufuhgiyjhgy v gvfgcvfgifhijhijgitjyh bcgcvvvvv

Thank you for all the presents and prayers.

I love you all so much.

Now I can play and when I do I can play.

And every nite I can come to your house a little while.

When that will be you will watch Kronk in my room. You will be Kronk.

You will turn into a llama. Then I'll have to watch it all by myself.



1 comment:

  1. Brennen's favorite animal (besides cockatiel) is a llama. we saw one on the side of the road driving back to Arizona and he went on and on how he wanted me to stop so he can pet it. Lol ( we did not stop)
