Wednesday, October 6, 2010

After Surgery

Well, we survived the early morning drive IN THE DARK!  Bailey was just really quiet and kind of dazed off the whole time.  Luckily we knew the nurse checking her in (weight check and such).  But it was still a long wait after all of that.  They gave her some calming medicine (Versed) before the anesthesiologist took her back.  It was a very different experience this time.  Last time Bai was so much more calm, and telling us jokes, and tellign the anesthesiologist jokes.  She was just very uneasy, and probably knew more of what was going on this time.  Estimated time they told us was 3 hours.  EEK.  I think it took shorter than that, but I sorta lost track of time, which was probably good.  I kept busy watching some TV shows on HULU, and playing on Facebook on my phone.  I loved reading all the messages from friends, and friends of friends.  :)

The plastic surgeon came back to talk to us after it was all over, and said he put in some plates and screws with the bone he put in, that will dissolve in a never heard of that one!  Very interesting.  He also said she won't have to go to ICU.  That was exciting for us.  :)

The best news of all, is that if her drain that she has (you can see it in the picture), can come out tomorrow, and if she's walking/eating...that she can come home tomorrow!!!  :)

The swelling we noticed last week.  They realized was her brain oozing out.  Seriously?!  EEK!  Her neuro surgeon was kinda funny when he told us, but seriously...EEK!!!  Such a nice guy though.

She must've been feeling a little nauseated casue she would sit up and say she needed to throw up.  She is still sleeping, and I should probably take a nap, but we don't have a nice lay down bed here.  LAME!  Oh well.  Hopefully, we won't be here long....Hopefully.


  1. I'm so glad it's done and everything is going well!! This is just crazy.

    That picture of her is cute. I love her hair sticking out of the ponytail bandage thing on her head!

    I hope that drain can come out tomorrow so she can go home!!

  2. wohoo im glad its not a long hospital stay this time. Thats nice! Crazy that the surgeon said her brain was leaking out?! what the !? i've never heard of such a thing, nor plates and screws that dissolve. awesomesauce!
